No Fault Laws And Charges of A Personal Injury Lawyer In Victoria
When you have to pay for the lawyer’s fees, legal expenses and all possible liens in your settlement amount you may tend to think whether or not you are overpaying. Though for others you do not have any control, you can surely know whether the Personal Injury Lawyer in Victoria you hired is charging you too much. In order to have a better understanding of the lawyer’s fees you will need to know much more than contingency fee agreement. You will need to know the laws followed by the state where the accident happened, the complexity of your case and much more.
No Fault Laws
In personal injury law, the ‘no fault law’ and the ‘one bite rule’ happens to be complex and confusing for any common man to understand. This is why for any accident case governed by no-fault laws or any uninsured motorist coverage you should hire a competent Personal Injury Lawyer in Victoria. There are a lot factors to consider and to know how much your own insurance carrier will pay you for the damages. Sometimes, in such situations the insurance companies may pay quite a considerable amount for your property damage and lost income but there may not be any mention of your personal injuries and its compensation.
Personal and Health Insurance
In a no fault state you will need to know the limits of your personal insurance policy. It may be too little for your medical bills just for the no-fault clause. Moreover, in a no fault case the health insurer may pay you nothing adding on to your woes. Add to that your Personal Injury Lawyer in Victoria may receive a check for your injuries from the auto insurance company and charge you for the legal and lawyer’s fees if you signed a contingency contract with the injury attorney you hired. In this case you will have no legal grounds to fight against your lawyer.
Dealing with Medical Expenses
However, the medical expenses can go much higher than it is supposed to be. Knowing this fact the Personal Injury Lawyer in Victoria may want to retain the reaming amount of money in a trust in such situations, to pay off the medical costs that may be pending in all possibilities. Moreover, in no-fault states the injured victims must turn to their own insurance carriers to pay their medical bills for the injuries sustained. You will also have to bear the lost wages and any other out of the pocket expenses.
Contingency Fee Agreement
Just like all other personal injury cases the attorney will charge you usually on a contingency fee basis. Therefore, whether the accident occurred in a no-fault state and the insurance involves PIP or PDL benefits, your attorney will work on a contingency fee agreement. This is a contract in which you are bound to pay 33% of the final settlement amount that may be 40% if the case is appealed for trial. Nothing will be charged from you until the case is settled in your favor. To read more Click Here