Benefits of Consulting With A Personal Injury Lawyer In
Abbotsford Before Signing ICBC Statement
The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia is the provider of basic auto insurance in British Columbia. Therefore, it is mandatory to report all automobile accidents to ICBC if it happens on any public highway of British Columbia. Every public road/lane falls within this category. Therefore, it is mandatory for the insured drivers to report all automobile accidents to ICBC.If you fail to report this claim, then you are not eligible to recover the insurance benefits.However, it is equally important to remember that it is sufficient to provide basic information regarding an accident. It is necessary for an insured driver to provide detailed data, as the ICBC adjusters may use the collected information against a claimant.Hence, it is prudent to give curtailed information when contacting ICBC after an accident and to consult with a personal injury lawyer in Abbotsford before giving any detailed information.
The fastest way to reach ICBC is through the Dial-a-Claim number. You may even send an e-mail to ICBC informing the insurer regarding the basic facts with respect to your accident. However, you are supposed to provide only the basic information regarding the accident, such as license plate number of the other vehicle or the time and location of an accident.It is equally essential to provide information regarding your license. You are not obligated to provide any other data apart from these data. However, ICBC may ask you regarding further information, such as whose fault led to an accident. It is prudent not to answer any additional question in the absence of an injury lawyer in Abbotsford, as an ICBC adjuster may change the data in order to lessen the value of your claim for insurance benefits.
It is not uncommon for the ICBC adjusters to meet with a claimant as soon as possible after filing a claim. The primary objective of an adjuster is to minimize the potential exposure of ICBC as much as possible.Hence, the insurance adjusters want to settle a lawsuit as quickly as possible in the absence of ICBC lawyers in Abbotsford, as it is not possible to deceive an attorney.
An insurance adjuster from the ICBC may ask you to sign a written statement during this meeting. Many insured drivers are unaware of the fact that they are not obligated to sign any statement. It is essential to notify ICBC about an accident and it is crucial to file an accident benefit claim form. However, an adjuster cannot force you to sign a statement that may be used against your interest. A car accident lawyer in Abbotsford can save you from making this mistake.
An adjuster asks a few questions before letting a claimant sign any statement. Some of these questions are valid and reasonable. However, you may not be legally obligated to answer all questions. It is possible for an accident lawyer in Abbotsford to separate the optional questions from the mandatory questions and help you sign a statement without hurting your interest. For more information visit Our Website