Primary Benefits of Retaining An Injury Lawyer In New Westminster After A Car Accident
In British Columbia, it is essential to report any automobile accident to the ICBC in order to receive any insurance benefit. ICBC is the sole provider of insurance to the registered cars or other vehicles in British Columbia. This insurance company offers a collection of benefits to an insured driver after an accident depending upon the severity of injuries or other losses.However, ICBC has many guidelines for the insured drivers and a client is eligible to receive the insurance benefits after fulfilling these guidelines. For example, it may not be possible for you to report the accident or to remain at the scene due to the severity of your injuries. In this scenario, you may be eager to avail medical treatment as quickly as possible and may forget to call the ICBC or to stay at the scene. ICBC may regard it as the violation of guidelines and may prevent you from availing any insurance benefit. The assistance of a personal injury lawyer in New Westminster does not just help you receive the insurance benefits. There are various other benefits if you retain the service of a legal counsellor.
Determining Liability in Controversial Accidents
It is not easy to determine the liability in every automobile accident. In some scenarios, ICBC may claim that you are partially at fault for the accident and you may lose a huge amount of insurance benefit.For example, you may turn left at a crowded intersection and this may result in an accident.There are various other scenarios where it is difficult for a layperson to determine the liable party. However, an experienced injury lawyer in New Westminster has the experience, resources and manpower to prove a defendant’s liability/fault and to prove a plaintiff/victim innocent in order to help him/her receive all insurance benefits.
The ICBC lawyers in New Westminster retain the service of experienced investigators to find crucial evidences along with the eyewitnesses, as they can offer valuable insight into an accident. An accomplished lawyer also has the expertise to prepare the witnesses for the court trial and to examine the authenticity of the statement of another driver.Hence, it is impossible for ICBC to falsely put the liability on a victim’s shoulder in the presence of a lawyer.
In-Depth Assessment to Determine Value
Determining the value of a claim is not an easy task. It requires years of experience and a car accident lawyer in New Westminster has this experience. Alongside the medical expenses or loss of income, it is crucial to consider the damages for pain-and-suffering and a variety of out-of-pocket expenses.
An experienced accident lawyer in New Westminster retains the service of experts from medical fields to assess the impact of your injuries on your physical/mental capacity and lifestyle. A lawyer may even seek the guidance of an accounting expert to determine the loss of your present as well as future income if you lose the ability to earn a decent living due to your injuries. For more information visit Our Website