Receive All ICBC Benefits After Auto Accidents Through Expert Injury Lawyer In Kamloops
The automobile accidents have become a common phenomenon in many cities of British Columbia during winter. The roads become slippery due to heavy snowfall and this may lead to a spike in automobile accidents during winter. The ‘Black Ice’ or a thin coating of glazed frost on the surface may even cause road accidents, as they are extremely hard to notice. Many automobile accidents even happen due to the negligence or reckless act of another driver.After any type of car accident in British Columbia, a driver is supposed to receive a range of benefits from ICBC irrespective of the reason behind the accident. However, the ICBC may refuse to pay all benefits or may reduce the amount of benefits to maintain their profit. In this scenario, an injury lawyer in Kamloops may help you receive all the benefits.
Mandatory Steps for Part-7 Benefits
The ICBC Injury Benefits are also known as ‘Part-7 benefits’.You are supposed to follow a few steps in order to receive these benefits. It is essential for the victims of automobile accidents to report to ICBC regarding an accident immediately after the event or within a few hours.It is equally essential to submit a written report to ICBC after an accident that describes the details of an accident or the injuries of a driver.A victim is supposed to submit this report within 30 days after an accident. You are also supposed to submit a ‘Proof of Claim’ form to ICBC within 90 days of an accident. A mistake to correctly follow these steps may result in the loss of benefits you are entitled to receive from ICBC. An experienced injury lawyer in Kamloops can prevent you from making these mistakes.
Detailed Information about Benefits
Many victims of automobile accidents receive insufficient amount of benefits from ICBC due to lack of knowledge. This insurance corporation may even refuse to deliver some benefits to an insured driver without any logical explanation. It is a violation of your legal rights; however, you may not notice this due to alack of legal knowledge. An experienced injury lawyer in Kamloops informs you about your legal rights and helps you receive the benefits you are supposed to receive from ICBC after any automobile accident.
The Part-7 benefits are supposed to cover your medical expenses pertaining to the cost of medications,surgical treatments,physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy and/or counselling. You may require rehabilitative care, such as occupational therapy, attendant care or home modifications for physical limitations. The ICBC is also supposed to pay for these expenditures.An experienced injury lawyer in Kamloops can help you receive all these benefits.
The ICBC is also supposed to offer benefits to the injured drivers for their loss of income due to injuries. The homemakers are also supposed to receive some benefits for the loss of working capacity.An accomplished injury lawyer in Kamloops can help you receive all types of benefits from ICBC. To read more Click Here