Reasons An Accident Lawyer In New Westminster May Suggest An Out of Court Settlement
According to the personal injury law, you can avail any of the two methods to receive your claims from the other party for the injuries caused to you due to negligence, and also intentionally at times. Both the ways are equally good and effective but in most of the times you will see that the Accident Lawyer in New Westminster will suggest that you go for out of the court settlement. This does not mean that they are intimidated by courtroom trials. In fact, there are several good reasons for them to make such a suggestion. This form of settlement is beneficial both for you as well as the injury lawyer.
The most common way
Most personal injury cases are resolved out of the court though settlement negotiations. In fact, studies show that more than ninety percent cases are resolved in this way. Therefore, if conditions are favorable, you should also follow the same process. If you look at the lawyer’s perspective, they will have more cases to handle as this mode ensures faster results. As for you, trials may result in a lower claim amount because everything depends on the jury and the judge. Therefore, if you want to eliminate such possibilities, follow the suggestion of the Car Accident Lawyer in New Westminster, as they are the best judge.
Provide faster results
Out of the court settlement provides much faster results in comparison to formal courtroom trials. This is because in trials the defense lawyer needs to be give time to prepare for the case. Time is also required for the formal communications to be made as well as for the discovery process. Apart from that, the court calendar will also influence the time factor. Availability of the court as well as the judge will add to the time. In addition to that, the Personal Injury Lawyer in New Westminster will also need to arrange for a jury panel which prolongs the case.
Low cost factor
The cost is another factor that the Injury Lawyer in New Westminster will suggest you to go for out of the court settlement for your injury claims. ideally, when a case is settled out of the court the lawyer is entitled to charge only 33% of the claim amount. On the other hand, if you go for trial you will need to pay 40% of the amount received as lawyers’ fees. Do not forget that you will also need to pay an additional 5 to 10 percent of the amount as court fees, cost of communication, letters and others. That means, informal settlement will produce 65% or more money as compared to 50% in case of trials.
The privacy matters
In an out of the court settlement, there are only three parties involved: you or ICBC Lawyers in New Westminster, the other party and the insurance company. On the other hand, a courtroom trial will have the judge, jury, a room full of people and even the media. If you want privacy, then trial is certainly not the way to go for. With all these benefits of an informal settlement, there is no reason you should not opt for it. For more information visit here: Barapp Law Firm BC