How Medical Experts Assist A Personal Injury Lawyer In Burnaby During Tort Claims?
In British Columbia, the Basic Autoplan insurance is the mandatory coverage required for every licensed vehicle in this province. This insurance policy makes sure that all licensed drivers of this province as well as their family members have the basic protection in the event of an accident. The basic Autoplan insurance policy is available through ICBC. This provincial crown corporation is liable for the payment of Part-7 insurance benefits if an insured driver or his/her family member is injured during an accident. This insurer also compensates the insured drivers for the damages to their vehicles. In some scenarios, an insured driver may need to file a tort claim against a negligent driver for the payment of compensatory damage if the Part-7 benefits are insufficient to cover the losses. ICBC is also responsible for the payment of compensatory damage, as it represents all insured drivers in BC.It is essential to prove the fault in order to recover compensation though a tort claim. It is a difficult task which necessitates the assistance of an expert personal injury lawyer in Burnaby.
The outcome of a personal injury lawsuit depends upon establishing a defendant’s fault. It is equally important to rule out a plaintiff’s liability in an accident in order not to lose a percentage of the compensatory damage. It is also important to prove the severity of a claimant’s injuries and losses in order to recover any compensation. An injury lawyer in Burnaby may consult with the medical experts from various fields of medicine in order to prove the severity of a victim’s pain and suffering as well as the severity of his/her losses.
General Physician
A family practice physician or medical doctor may testify as an expert witness during the trial. The ICBC Lawyers in Burnaby may need these medical professionals to objectively explain the relevant medical questions during the trial. These professionals may assess a patient’s condition in order to determine present as well as the future medical care. The advice of a doctor may even become essential in order to determine the necessity of any specialized care in the future.
Neurologist & Orthopaedic Surgeons
A neurologist or neurosurgeon can provide an expert’s opinion on injuries or limitations resulting from the spinal cord trauma, TBI and nerve injuries. A car accident lawyer in Burnaby may need the testimony of this medical expert to establish the severity of a plaintiff’s injuries and disability. An orthopaedist or orthopaedic surgeon may provide an expert’s opinion on every aspect of orthopaedic injuries, such as severity of the pain or limitations.These specialists may even shed some light upon the future treatment plan of a patient.
Pain Management Specialist
A variety of injuries (slipped disks, fractured bones, soft-tissue injuries) may result in chronic pain. These injuries may cause physical limitations and emotional traumas. An accident lawyer in Burnaby may use the testimony of a pain management specialist to prove the severity of a patient’s physical and psychological trauma due to chronic pain resulting from the injuries. For more information visit Our Website