Head For An ICBC Claim With A Personal Injury Lawyer In Abbotsford
One of the main reasons to hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Abbotsford is to present the claim within the time limit of ICBC process. Deadlines are very critical in this regard. Many people aren’t aware of the existing time limits to fill out and submit the necessary forms/applications to ICBC post an accident. There are many that have doubts and aspersions as well. It’s in your best interests to speak to an experienced and expert ICBC claims attorney in this city. The lawyers can advice you of the many time limits that constitute your case from the start to the finish of your concerned claim. They help you in filling out the mandatory forms for pursuing your settlement.
Useful links and resources
After a severe injury, you may not know whom to call or where to turn. At the prestigious law firms in this city, a Personal Injury Lawyer in Abbotsford believes that it’s crucial for every person and his/her family to be aware of the resources and rights available to them. It’s critical to obtain the information as that’s the key to a successful claim. The personal injury experts in the area are always willing to walk you through the claim process.
Resources for ICBC claims
In the unfortunate event of an automobile claim or accident, and the subsequent damages to your vehicle, ICBC or Insurance Corporation of British Columbia has internet tools and resources to assist you. You need to know the ICBC provides extensive automobile coverage for motor-vehicle damages and concerned personal injury to insurance policyholders living in the province. Reporting a claim is one of the most crucial steps in this regard. When you have to submit a claim, it’s important for you to notify ICBC as soon as possible post the accident. The ideal span is 24-48 hours post the mishap.
About the reporting
The procedure to notify ICBC is readily available on their website, which includes their 24/7 assistance and availability to receive and acknowledge your accident report. For those who retain an Injury Lawyer in Abbotsford, the lawyer can notify insurance officials on your behalf. You can report most claims online. However, in case of collisions outside of British Columbia, hit and run accidents, windshield and glass damage, and witness reports, you need to report the case over the phone and not by mail. You also need to provide a written report, containing the particulars of the mishap and its consequences within the next 30 days of the accident. It shouldn’t cross the 30 days span.
Translations services
Claimants also need to submit a proof of the claim in an ICBC-authorized form no later than three months or 90 days from the date of the accident. If you are one of those who require language or linguistic assistance in completing the concerned claims forms, or require cohesive verbal translation over the phone, do remember that ICBC provides translation services at no cost. Their claims assistance is available in more than 50 languages. An Injury Lawyer in Abbotsford can guide you in this process. For more information visit here: Barapp Law Firm BC